Sunday, December 13, 2009

The things I love / miss ...

Christmas = LOVE

I always get excited for Christmas..
all the decorations, hot chocolate, warm blankets, presents, spend time with your loved ones..

This Christmas, I am taking a trip to Las Vegas & California with the boyfriend !
I am super excited because we are also going to be celebrating our 100th day Anniversary!
We still need to finish booking hotels and car rentals but I'm just ready to go and enjoyyyyyyy my vacation!
Any recommendations on where I should stay/visit/EAT in Las Vegas or California?

Any of you ladies will be in Las Vegas or CALI between 12/21 ~ 1/1 ? LET ME KNOW. I'd love to meet you ladies !

In 2 days, my finals start and tomorrow is our 3months anniversary.
But it looks like we'll be spending most of our time in the library ~ romantic ~

I am also looking for to see my bestie, STEPHANIE , DSK !!!
She is planning on coming home for Christmas and I really hope I get to spend time with her !

So remember how I wrote about my weight loss ?
People have been wanting to see pictures!
Sorry, didnt really get a chance to take a picture but here are some that my bf have taken with his iphone.


I'm not sure if you can see the difference..
But yea, I've lost 20lbs over the summer..
From pants size 4 or 6 to a size 0 or 00
(depending on a type of pants I buy)

I've hired a personal trainer for a month..
I worked out with 3 times a day. 2 times with the trainer and 1 on my own.
I only had 1 month to lose wait because I started in the beginning of august til the end of august.
I didn't skip a day of my workout..
Of course, I made sure to eat well at the same time.
BUT I ate A LOT LESS than what I normally eat before..
Chicken breasts, fruits, veggies.. ewww..

It was very helpful to have a personal trainer because I probably couldn't have done it without him..

It was hard. And I've worked very hard for it.
There were MANY times when I wanted to give up and just be happy with who I am..
But I knew I could be happier..
I've set my goal and I wanted to work for it..and I've earned it.
I'm actually proud of myself..

Thank you for the warm message ladies..

Happy Holidays beauty bloggers ..


Things I love / miss ..


Birthday surprise from him

"30 second decorated" surprise cookie from him

Birthday Present from my bestie, DSK Stephanie

MAC Russian Red

Christmas tree in GR downtown

Thank you for all your love and support !!

Happy Holidays beauty bloggers ..


Catherine said...

Heyyyyy girlie! Haven't heard from you in forever!! So glad to see you're doing well and 20 lbs WOW! CONGRATULATIONS! And LMAO - get some good recipes! LOL I love veggies if they're done right haha. And awwwww, love the pictures!! Hope there will be many more to come!

vanilla said...

awww have u been MIA for ages???
aww and u have lost 20lbs??
are u gonna be back now?
i actually started blogging coz sawa ur blog,so u inspired me !hehe

AskMeWhats said...

YAY!!! I've seen the difference on photos, you lost a lot of weight!!!

Content Director - Strong Female Leaders said...

You do look different in the 2 photos. But your "before" is not bad. Have a good time in Cali and Vegas!

Unknown said...

Aww I miss you and your posts so much!! I'm so glad you updated :)
Your progress and determination to lose weight is so amazing! Great job, can't believe you did it all in ONE month!
And congrats about your bf!! 100 day :) Sounds like you two are very happy~ Have fun on your trip!

Stephanie said...

You and your bf are too freaking cute! HE MADE A HEART OUT OF BALLOONS! I like him already! I can't wait to meet him one of these days ^_~

I'm so very happy for you! I knew someone like him would come into your life ^_^

Russian Red looks HOT! Your lips are very kissable! haha :*!!!

Ahh I love you & your North Face obsession! :P haha I miss you lots chica.

*_* Unfortunately, I won't be home for Christmas. But I will be home after Christmas & for a least a month! woo hoo! I just have to catch up with some work & work with my accountant out here during that time before my year end taxes (for DSK Jewelry) are due.

Minh works full time now at a Bankruptcy law firm (8am-7:30pm) 6 days a week! I'm all out here by my lonesome, hehe but I'm getting used to the life. It's very quiet, but it's also very relaxing. It's so great to know that you're only a text message away haha <3 it.

You are going to have such a sweet time in Las Vegas & CALI!!!!!!!!!!

CHANEL, VERSACE, GUCCI, LOUIS VUITTON, TIFFANY'S, PRADA x100!!!SHOPPING IS SO GOOD THERE! Don't forget to hit up the two outlets cause there are two CCO's out there!

Ok..I'm getting to super hyper right now. lol

Happy Early 100th Day! You both are so romantic. I think it's so adorable! Keep twittering! I love to see what you're up to ^_^

Happy Holidays Bestie!!!



miss cakeface said...

congrats n welcome back! you look beautiful. =)

wuzzyangel said...

Your BF makes me go.. "AWWWWW!!" He does some really cute romantic stuff for you! I'm so happy you found someone who loves you! :) And you guys are very cute together! :)

Congrats on 100days! ;) Have fun on your trip!! Everything in Vegas is fun for me! LOL!

And congrats again on the weight loss, not that you were needing it! LOL! But as a personal goal I'm proud and envious that you stuck with it!! Only cuz personally I'm lazy as shit! LOL!

Missed on blogger Jen!

Enchanted Little Things said...

pretty tree. please visit my blog for a jewelry giveaway.

Florence said...

you look AWESOMEEEE!!!

totally inspiring =)

Anonymous said...

cute! :)

Anonymous said...

what a christmas ur having!! vegas to cali!! at california...u must have IN N OUT!!! enough said! haha

congrats on the lost weight! u ddnt need it but still proud of u!

seriously, glad to see u happy again!

L said...

JENNNNNNNNNN! You are so MIA! Why the hell didja have to go fall in love?! LMFAO. Nah, foreal, I am happy for you and you look great. Big ups to you for accomplishing your goal!

I hope you have a great holiday with the fam and friends, you will love CA and Vegas! Take lots of pictures and at least post em! I miss ya around these parts!


Unknown said...

okay, totally jealous of your vegas/cali trip!! i was just at both places last october, i miss it! :( especially since its rainy and cold where i am. haha! ;P

and WOWWWW! 20 lbs off during the summer? that is AMAZING! hats off to you :)

btw - love your blog, the colors and layout make me happy. haha!

Jamilla Camel said...

You look great!!

Congrats and happy holidays!

Marce said...

You look fabulous, I love Russian Red on you...speaking of which, definitely visit the CCO's at Vegas!
Merry Christmas =)

Bombchell said...

WOW!!!!! 20LBS!!! congrats. the eating right is so hard.

aww how romantic--on ur trip. dont really know vegas well but i stayed and partied at the bellagio. im sure u had fun :)

*Anita* said...

congrats on 20lbs!! that is amazing and very inspiring :D

looks like you had a wonderful holiday :) xx

lavanya said...

really i like this blog...
nice collections..

Stephanie said...

UPDATE! Give us a review on the Reebok Easy Tones! :)



Traveliztera said...

I can totally see the difference! :D

And u and ur <3 look so cute! awww

BTW, that MAC Russian Red looks so gorgeous on you!!! :)

Take care! :)

Lala said...

I love christmas too !!!
Best time in year :)

xo lala

Nonners said...

Jennifer Yoon! What have you been up to??? I feel like your life isn't super public and all over the internet like the rest of us internet addicts anymore so I can't keep up!!! <3

behindblueeyes said...

hi! really great Blog
interesting post and you're so cute

martienn said...

nice blog; ) ur photo is really fantastic !!!
i like it :**

follow me and write a comment if you want ! <3

Liliai said...

I can see the difference, congratulations! you look great :) and I love christmas too! I'm so excited right now.

You should post more! :)

Nonners said...

Girlfrennnnn.... you probably don't even check this anymore! You need to rejoin the blogworld. I'm sure Steph would more than agree!!!

I gave you the "One Lovely Blog" award even though you prob already have it... I was hoping the little picture would influence you to blog again... ahaha

Unknown said...

YOu look so great! Congrats on the weight loss!

Dermalogica GIVE AWAY!!

Stephanie said...

It's almost been 1 full year since you have last blogged! I saw your comment on Whitney's page..and it would be the best Christmas present ever if you started blogging again :) I need to know what's going on in your life!

I miss you loads, and cannot wait to see you again in RL (real life) lol

Merve said...

awww so cute :D

glass floor said...

you are looking so nice, and cute, and by the way happy birthday to you, may you have many many more.

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year! Congrats on losing the weight. :D I need to lose some but it's s hard to get motivated.

Stephanie said...

Blog! Blog! Blog!

jewelry making said...

I want to know how you come up with those wonderful accessories. Btw, have a joyous Christmas in advance.

Unknown said...

pretty blog

-Mia xo

Unknown said...

beautiful pics!!!amazing blog!!i'm following you!!!if you like mine,do the same!!

Pai said...

I hope you start blogging again! And 20 lbs that's amazing!

Kiss and Blush Makeup said...

I love ur blog <3 plz check mine out and add if u like it :) follow me ill follow you

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