Sunday, April 26, 2009


A "Giveaway" contest will be announced later tonight!

Be sure to check out my blog tonight

You REALLLLY dont want to miss this EASY contest!!



Stephanie said...

WOMAN! whatchu talkin' about, the steak was hellla good. The potatoe thing was just kind of weird, and Phuong's mystery rice hahaha.

The main thing was that the steak was good..didn't you see.. I ATE THE WHOLE STEAK!?!

THANK YOU! For talking us to such a fancy place, and we even got to see your blaw professor! haha

Stephanie said...

Also, I just woke up puahaha

Laura L said...

i cant wait <3

Kasumi said...

hahah you already told me what it is! sorta lol.
I can't wait anyways :)

sanniet said...

contest!!! yay!!! I just woke up too steph haha <3

izumi said...

yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay :) girl you KNOW i'm gonna be checking your page like crazy. who was your first blogsale customer? ;) ;)

✿Ji✿ said...


Ahh really? Are you by accident Korean too?^^
My full name is Ji Youn by the way!^^

Thx for your get well wishes, I´m already all better!:)

Lulu said...

Can't wait! Hope your sale is going well too :)

MiuMiu said...

i'm excited! =)
i wonder how your moving is going? i know i'm such a messy person...the more i pack, the messier it is haha

wuzzyangel said...

whoo contest! can't wait! :)...