Sunday, April 19, 2009


it's finally over.


Stephanie said...

YAY!! I'm coming to Ferris Thursday!!

wuzzyangel said...

LOL! You're too funny Jen!

Mona said...


Kasumi said...

Either way that's a good thing right?? hahaha

Anonymous said...


AskMeWhats said...

finally over??? *looks around*

chau said...

is that a good thing?

izumi said...

woohoo! rest up!! and pamper yourself for goodness sakes xD

Janelle said...

I hope that's a good thing! <3

mayaari said...

I think that's a good thing, right? some much-needed r&r in order?

L said...

*pops tha champagne and pours it on yo'bahhhhhhhhdeee*


rest up ma!

*singing - there will never come a day..........*

Nonners said...

Thank you so much Jenn, you have no idea how much that comment means to me.

I'm just really devastated, it was really serious and I know that he loves me-- he's just been psycho lately and cowardly and admits it. There is no turning back though, the damage is done.

I've missed you a lot. I've kinda been MIA and have completely lost contact with a lot of friends from high school ever since my parents moved out of Grand Rapids. I'd really like getting back in touch with you though!

Your blog is really cute, and has a lot of good information and such. I keep telling Steph that I wish I had the cash to really get into makeup and beauty products cuz it looks so fun... guess I better try to get a J-O-B first!!! Very important first step, haha.

Anywho, I just really wanted to tell you how much that all meant to me-- and that I hope you've been really well, and that I miss you!

<3 Whit

XPPINKXX said...


is everything okay?????

but from reading the comments...should i say



~Mel said...

hope ur ok doll!

cheryl said...

hi there, hope u get some rest and hope u're ok.

♡ Nic Nic ♡ said...

hope it's finally for the better :)